Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Blog post number 4: Analysis of a Title Sequence

For this post I shall analyse an existing opening title sequence for a crime film.

The purpose of a title sequence is:
  • To introduce the film/programme
  • Tells us the setting/location
  • Tells us the genre of the film/programme
  • Tells us the possible themes of the film/programme
  • Tells us the period the film is set in
  • Tells us information about the characters
  • It gives the show a recognisable identity
  • Its a warning the film is about to start
The conventions of a title sequence:
          (in order)

  • Name of the production company
  • Production
  • Top billing actors
  • The film title
  • Featured actors
  • Crew (editor, director of photography, producer)
  • Director - here is the opening title sequence for the crime film 'Goodfellas'.

This title sequence was designed by Saul Bass, it displays the conventions of a title sequence in the correct order, alongside dramatic music for the audience to realise its a tense crime film, after it displays the top billing actors titles, it shows 3 gangsters in a car, they end up pulling over because of a curious noise they hear from the rear of the car, one of them opens the boot to a half-dead body covered in blood, the other 2 stab and shoot him untill he's dead. The driver shuts the boot and the frame pauses to a first person narrative of the driver saying 'As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster'. This instantly tells the audience they are viewing a crime/gangster themed film. We can also tell this because of the props used; a large butchers knife, a Magnum gun, a crowbar and the expensive looking suits the gentlemen are wearing. The lighting used is from the red brake lights which remain on while the men are killing the man in the boot, the colour red symbolises blood and danger. These are all typical conventions of a crime film.

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