Title of our film.
We have used low key lighting, the same as other crime films have, this makes the shot look very mysterious, as if something illegal may happen. Also the title is in white to symbolise the drugs he is dealing, but also glowing red to symbolise romance of the story.
Titles - font and style.
We used a font that looked to fit the crime genre in the colour white to symbolise the drugs.
The location for this shot is a dark, low key lit bedroom, it is typical of a crime film as a lot of crime films use dimly lit rooms to show mysteriousness.
The characters are wearing casual clothing to show they are relaxing as a family, the prop used in this shot is Harrison's ball, its not a typical prop for a crime film as it does not cause any danger/harm such as a weapon which is a typical crime film prop.
We have used low key lighting to make the scene look dark and dingy, and because the character is a drug dealer, he may be paranoid of the police raiding his home so he would like to make the house look empty and dark as if no one was there.
Here is a shot of the exchange of the drugs, this shows how the character behaves, selling drugs to young people, it is typical of a crime film as drug dealers tend not to care who they sell to.
Camera angles
This is a point of view shot of the drug dealer answering his phone to a customer, it is a typical shot for a crime film as the audience can see what the criminal is doing through his own eyes.
Editing transitions
Here is a shot which is fading out, it is typical of crime films because when the next shot comes in it shows time has passed.
Here it shows the drug dealer smoking, you cannot see his face which makes the shot seem very mysterious, this is typical of a crime film.
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