Friday, 27 April 2012

Blog post number 9: Costume, Props, Location, Casting

We made our film at Olivia's house in Rossett, I acted in her brother's room because we were able to make it look dark and dingy, just like the room would be of the drug dealer I was playing. We filmed Kessiah, Hayley and Harrison in Olivia's garden in the sunshine, to show the contrast between the two spots.

Costume is very important to a character aswell as it can display a character's importance, wealth, etc. I played a drug dealer, so I made sure I wore worn jeans and a black, baggy hoody to give me a very cheap and lazy look. Also, throughout the whol video, my hood is coverng my face, this is to give me a very mysterious look. Kessiah, Hayley an Harrison all wore casual clothing to make them look like the regular members of a family.

Props are also very important to a film, they help enhance the drama, help the actors do their job, and they can be invaluable components of the overall story. My characters props included a cigarette, a can of lager and a backpack, these props are all essential as they show the audience my personality, my pasttimes, etc. Kessiah's prop was the air ball that her and Harrison were playing with, it's important because it shows the audience they're bonding and playing with each other.

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